What Does Low Hanging Fruit Mean

First off, what is a Keyword
A keyword or keyword phrase is what someone types into the search engines.
This is how people find things they are searching for online, and there are BILLIONS of keywords.
As an online business owner understanding how to research keywords and coming up with search terms that people type into the search engines in your niche will be key to your success.
Keywords are a starting point of all of our rankings and traffic online (organic traffic or through pay per clink.)
Your work as a website owner is to get your site in front of the people who are searching for terms within your niche.
By learning about keyword research, your ability to rank on the search engine results pages or (SERP) gets easier.
Every page or post you create on your website will have a target keyword.
The first task is going to be choosing a targeted keyword for your article and it is going to be the focal point of your blog post.
Read on to learn some guidelines on finding keywords and learning about different terms like low-hanging fruit.
The Keyword Journey
When you’re starting out, this might seem to be quite a daunting process, and truth be told there are guidelines like anything else that governs.
Once you understand these general guidelines, the art and science of researching keywords are quite enjoyable and as a marketer, it opens your understanding of trends of what people are searching for.
You start to identify patterns and behaviors of what people are searching for as compared to what you might think it would be within any niche.
Different Types Of Keywords
You have a number of different kinds of keywords, for example…
- Long-tail keywords,
- LSI Keywords or latent semantic Indexing keywords,
- KGR keywords or Keyword Golden Ratio.
Picking keywords that you can write content around is vital If you are attempting to get rankings in the search engines with your content.
Also, …
Ensure your efforts do not end in vain for without the understanding of KW Research you will receive little to no results in terms of traffic.
Enter the Low Hanging Fruit
What does low-hanging fruit mean?
Essentially a low-hanging fruit is a keyword that is low completion.
If we use a low-hanging fruit business jargon metaphor it is the fruit that is typically smaller or for our purpose, it gets less traffic.
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The benefit is that there are much more low competition keywords or low-hanging fruit because most people naturally compete for the fruit at the top of the tree or the high traffic generating keywords.
Sometimes with a brand new website, it is more difficult to get ranked under more competitive terms and you will be much better off targeting low competition ones.
As you grow your site and authority online you can start to chase the higher traffic-generating keywords, but the idea behind this approach is to get rankings using low competition keywords.
Since keywords are your path to rankings in Google and the other search engines, even after you have been doing this for a while this is a strategy that you can use forever.
There is no one formula to find high-quality low competition keywords and it does take some work and you will need to step out of your comfort zone, but if you enjoy this type of stuff, it’s really not like work… really.
First Off You Will Need A Keyword Research Tool
There are many keyword research tools on the market, from Google’s “in-house” keyword tools to expensive keyword research platforms, Some are good, some not.
I found that most ended up not providing the data that you needed when you need it and oftentimes, the data is inaccurate.
Anyone looking to create an online presence, whether it be for a…
- local business
- an online store
- or an affiliate marketer etc…
Will require a tool that is going to help them find keywords efficiently.
Enter Jaaxy
The one I recommend is Jaaxy
This is a great tool for getting all the data I need about a keyword but it also does it very effectively
If you don’t already have a Jaaxy account just yet, you will want to set up an account. It is free to get started and you get 30 free searches to try it out.
Later in this article will show you how to get this tool, as well as everything else you will ever need to run your online business in an “All In One Platform” for less than a coffee a day.
Some Guidelines
Before, you start to see if a keyword is good for your new blog, ensure that …
Relevancy and not only content is king.
The guideline when it comes to doing keyword research is to keep your content topic relevant to your niche.
Definition of relevancy
Is the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate
This basically means to make sure that the keywords searched and used… match their niche or niche’s intent.
For example
If your niche is fitness -your keyword that could be relevant would be “how to improve my bench press form” and not something that is not relevant to your niche like “making money online.”
How To Start Drawing Out The Keywords Relevant To Your Niche
An excellent technique for finding keywords relevant in your niche for your content is to start with a broad topic and then narrow it down to something more specific.
If you are in a health and fitness niche for example,
A broad term could look like …
- Bodybuilding
- Training
- Calories
- Dumbbells or
- Diets
When you type in these terms into the search bar, Google offers you “search suggestion results” meaning that they will show you predictive results based on what you are typing, and come up with a lot of ideas before you even start your research in your keyword tool. You could say starting broad with a keyword could be like brainstorming.
Let’s start with the term “bodybuilding.”
Here you can see that under “bodybuilding” Google gives you a number of suggestions on which to follow up in your keyword research tool.
Then if you continue you can add another broad keyword, more Google suggestion results will appear.
So to give you’re another set of ideas that you could use in your research tool.
Let’s add “training” to the previous keyword “bodybuilding.”
As you do this process of taking a broad term and adding an extra keyword, the search gets more targeted, which is our aim.
You can literally type in 2 keywords into google search and have over 12 brand new keyword ideas, to start putting into the Jaaxy platform
You can also go to the bottom of the search results page and look for the LSI keywords to see what they are showing to narrow down the search and get more ideas for your existing search.
What do LSI Keywords do
These LSI keywords help Google understand what your article is about as they crawl your site, and you can find them at the bottom of the SERP page and can help a lot in your research.
You can find more of these LSI Keywords easily by using this free keyword tool. LSIGraph! (which will give the same results as Google but a lot more options plus.)
Once you come up with some keywords, you can start to run them through your Jaaxy Research tool search bar (Give try here)
The keywords that you will want to look for and are ones that are low competition and will rank fastest.
Find Low Competition Keywords Using The Jaaxy Platform
Once you insert the keyword into the Jaaxy search bar click “find keywords” it will show you the results or metrics associated with the keyword you are researching.
The metrics from the Jaaxy platform are…
- AVG or average searches in a month that the keyword receives per month.
- Traffic or visits to your website if you achieved a first-page ranking in the search engines.
- OSR or quoted search results which are the number of competing websites ranked in google for this exact keyword.
- KQI or keyword quality indicator using traffic light colors to let you know how the keyword is for use.
o Green is great
o Yellow is OK and
o Red is poor
- SEO a metric based on traffic and competition the higher the score the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first-page scale is 1-100 and the Higher = better
- Domains are the domains that are related to the keyword.
The 3 criteria for your keywords to meet when finding the low-hanging fruit or low competition keyword using the Jaaxy platform.
- The keyword must get some traffic. For Jaaxy this would be the metric of over 30 searches (AVG) or average searches in the month
- The Keyword must have low competition for Jaaxy; this would be a metric of under 100 (QSR or Quoted Search Results) this is your exact competition for that keyword you are researching when it comes to this metric. The lower the better so Under 100 is best. (The low hanging fruit)
- The keyword must make human or grammatically sense, meaning that if you cannot use the keyword phrase in a proper sentence or talking to someone, then chances are you should not be using it.
After finding a keyword with the proper metrics related to your low-hanging fruit, before you start to build out content around that keyword follow up with one more process.
Doing Search Intent And Due Diligence
What are search intent and due diligence when it comes to finding a quality keyword?
Search Intent
This is defined as the reason behind the searchers’ query.
Generally, the guideline for this is…
“If you cannot match what searchers want, they do NOT go after that KW.” Sam Oh
The best way to identify search intent is to look at the top 5 ranking sites for your target keyword on the top 3 search engines.
- Bing
- Yahoo.
You will find that most of the time, most of the pages will follow the same format and type and focus on the same intent.
For example.
- You might find that the first 3 ranked are informational blog posts
- Are there a lot of authority sites using the keyword or keyword phrase?
- Is it a list-based content blog or numbered post- (eg: the top 10 ways to….)
- Is it a review blog?
So if you write a blog post that does the same or similar, then yes, you can fill in search intent and you have done your keyword due diligence.
But if the keyword first set of a blog post is actually E-commerce stores, and you do not have an E-commerce store DO NOT bother going after this query because you will not be able to match search intent.
This can be done on the Jaaxy platform as well as go to the “Search Analysis Tab.”
Take and place your keyword into the search bar and on the Jaaxy platform and click “Find Keywords.”
This can give you a “SnapShot” of what type of content is being created around that Keyword on the top 3 SERP.
Your Due Diligence Around Keywords Takes Seconds
Whenever you are doing your keyword research always make sure you actually go to the top search engines and follow for yourself and look at what is being done on the SERP so to see how the content is ranking, around your keyword.
There is not proven trick around this, but it literally takes seconds to do.
Take the time and do it for all the keywords that you are interested in going after, this enables you to see if it will be worth pursuing writing content around it or not before you even start.
There is no one right way to do keyword research just that the vital thing to take away is to understand the guidelines and the keyword research tool metrics of how to find the low-hanging fruit in whatever platform you are familiar with and comfortable with.
If you follow up with proper keyword research, no matter how new your website is, you have a good chance to rank and not just as a new website but going forward as you build out your online presence and authority.
So remember when choosing a good keyword and looking for the low-hanging fruit…
- Keep your topics RELEVANT to your niche.
- Search out new KEYWORD ideas using Google suggestion or the LSI Graph.
- Get an excellent KEYWORD RESEARCH TOOL.
- Understand the METRICS, so pick out the Low hanging fruit.
- Follow up with your SEARCH INTENT and DUE DILIGENCE.
- Write your content, rinse and repeat.

All In One Platform
When I Started Understanding Keywords It Was All-New, With An Online Training Platform That Has A Community Of Over One MILLION Students And Online Professionals, My Ability To Master These Skills And Be Successful Increased Dramatically. See How You Can Get JAAXY And EVERYTHING Else You Will Need To Build A Successful Online Presence For Less Than A Cup Of Coffee A Day. NO RISK-START FREE For The First 30 Days
Check Out My Wealthy Affiliate Review HereAs always if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to leave them in the comment box below and I will respond promptly.
Thanks for the moment.
Feature Image by methodshop from Pixabay
This post was proofread by Grammarly
Great read! Theres a lot to learn here that more people should pay attention to.
Thanks For the Visit bloodgraive@yahoo.ca and for giving the post a read.
It truly is just about learning the guidelines and follow-through
Am glad you received some value from it
Great Information . Thanks for enlightening me to some of the key buzz words and innovative solutions for starting my own blog . I have so much to say but have limited knowledge on how to get the word out . Thanks Dino now I know how to talk everyone’s ears off ! Can’t wait to get going on my project and will certainly take your advice and experience to the keyboard with me !
Dawna Cook
Hello Dawna
Firstly thanks so much for the visit and leaving comments on the site.
I am so glad you found value in the article.
The key is to just get comfortable with the medium you want to express yourself with and just start.
Some people use art or music.
Writing blogs is not different. Just start and everything else follows.
Much success on your new journey.