Ageism Over 50

Ageism Over 50
What Is Ageism?
Similar to other negative stereotypes such as racism or sexism, ageism is about holding discrimination to an age-based group whether it is teens, seniors citizens, or adults.
Ageism can and will rear its ugly head in a multitude of places such as younger professional that have difficulty finding work based on their lack of experience or conversely, the older professional not being able to find work based on their having too much experience.
Further not being able to “put in the time” into a corporation so for the employer to get the mileage out of that individual, resulting in the older worker most likely getting overlooked for promotions or other opportunities that would otherwise then be available to a younger prospect.
Reports have shown that 1 in 5 workers in the US is over the age of 55 and that ageism has started to become apparent at the age of 50.
If you are an older professional and have been laid off but are still looking to continue to add value to an organization not to mention if you are just wanting to change your career.
The unspoken “ism” that follows your career at this point will make it increasingly more difficult for this to happen.
How To Turn The Tables
Ageism even though it is a real issue can be a benefit going forward.
Older professionals are interested in changing careers more than ever before. This is a good thing for they can continue to add value to multiple of disciplines in any sector possibly even look to add VALUE back into themselves.
What Is Intellectual Capital?
Intellectual capital is the intangible value of a business covering its people (human capital), the value inherent in its relationships, and everything that is left when the employees go home. (Wikipedia)
It is the sum of everything that everybody in a company knows that gives the company its competitive edge. Also, the value of the intangible assets cannot be listed on a company’s balance sheets.
These assets are acquired through the initial knowledge and or education that is brought in with the worker (Approx 20%) but more so with the experiences and time spent working within the organization (this makes up 80%).
So Intellectual capital is a viable asset of companies’ healthy growth and culture but not something that can be quantified in the books.
This intangible asset can only happen with you putting in the time into anything and exposing yourself over long periods so as to get experience and real-world knowledge.
This happens in a number of ways…
- The culture and what is expected and or wanted.
- The different issues that come up, and how to solve them.
- What worked and what did not.
- Successes and failures.
“The Only Source Of Knowledge Is Experience” Albert Einstein
The Loss Of Intellectual Capital
When an experienced professional leaves an organization some forward-thinking companies try to capture this knowledge and their Intellectual capital.
They do this through mentorship programs (These are not always successful.) Rehiring the valued employees as contractors, and some companies do not even bother.
Companies that do not value this type of human capital are destined to have department costs that will occur indefinitely.
Furthermore, they will need to be maintained through competent individuals, recycling of new human resources, accountability, preventative maintenance, and drivers.
Resulting in ongoing neverending expenses to corporations and cultures.
Who Are The Baby Boomers
This is the generation between the period of 1946-1964, and in this population, there are and will be a lot of people in the mid to late 50s.
Now can this group of people or professionals still offer value and bring that IC forward in whatever they are pursuing?
Absolutely YES but again based on a number of factors…
- Economics
- Profit margins
- Shareholders etc
These seasoned professionals are not always able to get back in the game.”
Not all company cultures are similar…
There are organizations that would regard age as a sign of wisdom and do everything they can to keep this vital capital so as to ensure health, strength, and prosperity within the organization.
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Retirement And The Professional
Retirement was introduced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Before this low life expectancy and the lack of organized and controlled “pension agreements” meant that most workers continued to work until they passed on.
Now if you are working for a government type of scope or a solid business that will not buy you out or keep you despite economic downward cycles, you are in by today’s standards fortunate. You will likely not have any issues with retirement being that you will get your pensions and move on into the next evolution of your life.
But if you come across any MAJOR crossroads that can limit your ability to retire such as…
- Divorce
- Job loss
- Illness
- Bad investments
This opportunity could be taken away from your or at a minimum the type of retirement you really wanted is no longer within your reach… now what?
What about if you cannot retire?
How does the older professional continue to earn an income so as to plan for his or her golden years?
These crossroads are definite realities for a lot of baby boomers.
Solutions- Add Value Back Into Yourself
So you are in your midlife as a professional and you are either…
- Ready to leave the workforce.
- Have to leave the workforce.
- Wanting to still be in the workforce or…
- Cannot leave the workforce.
How’s About Looking At The Benefits Of Creating An Online Business?
What you can expect…
- Your intellectual capital will come out in the value you add to YOUR business.
- The opportunities and options so to grow are endless.
- No worry about losing your job.
- You can “retire” when you want and not the other way around.
- And you can enjoy the next evolution of your life.
- It can be done on a part-time or full-time basis.
- Even if you’re retired it’s always good to be productive and stimulated, take up an online business nothing but good can come from it.
The death of the 9 to 5 is upon us, but with that also comes opportunities.
A LOT of opportunities!
Take this exciting time to become an online professional and enjoy the next part of your life with energy, creativity, and passion.
As baby boomers are progressively getting older this issue of ageism will only get more serious and become a further global concern.
You need to start looking for ways to grab life by the horns, embrace the next evolution with empowerment, and be willing to have the vital discussion with yourself on a constant basis on the changing landscape.
Careers without age discrimination are available so look into this now because you WANT to instead of waiting until you HAVE to.
“There are TONS of opportunities to leverage your own talents into the business of your dreams”
Travis Rosser

Your New Career Starts Here
Hello folks, as we start to age we need to start looking for ways to grab life by the horns embrace the next evolution with empowerment and be willing to have a vital discussion with yourself on a constant basis. I decided to invest in myself with a community of over 1 MILLION members and over 12 years in business and am glad I did. Give it a look, am sure you will be also.
You might also enjoy my blog on becoming a polymath.
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Thanks for the moment.
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