How To Work Online For Yourself

Monday To Friday
So another day at the office getting up to an alarm, fighting traffic, or worse being away on a project and away from your family, friends, pets, hobbies …
You know you have a good job or even just a JOB, so you should be grateful right?
What if I am here to tell you that there is another way to earn a living, make money and do it from anywhere you have a laptop, wifi connection, and some know-how?
This is a new paradigm and increasingly more acceptable moving forward with the aids of platforms such as SKYPE, company-owned intranet sites, and online sharing of work via Dropbox/OneDrive or the Cloud.
The “Gig” Economy
Even though you are not in the “office” you can stay connected with your companies visions and ongoing projects without being in the same proximity.
What’s fueling this rise of remote work possibilities?
In part, it would be what is called the “Gig Economy” and improved tech is making it easier to allow for more flexible job arrangements.
A less obvious factor is that people are not settling as early as they used to, which means a decline in home and car ownership and or even more committal situations like marriage.
This “freelance lifestyle” allows the 20/30 somethings to get out into the work world, live a less conservative or fixed lifestyle, and still hold down a job.
Companies that are getting their people to work remotely more each year also obviously saving on overhead costs and expenses.
As long as the worker can meet the deliverables and agreed upon targets set out in the work scope, this environment is vastly becoming a much more feasible and for the most part “attractive” option.
So the idea of working online for yourself is truly no longer a possibility but more along the lines of a viable reality.
Corporate Culture Paradigm Shift
More importantly than just savings, it’s also about finding and recruiting the best “talent” available for your company and engaging, retain these people over a period of time.
All along knowing that these professionals now want to work…
- Where they want
- When they want
- And how they want
Companies need to now create workplace environments so as to accommodate these new megatrend groups of professionals that are more flexible so to win the new talent war.
Demand is what will drive and create these flexible work policies, along with changes in tools needed as well as corporate cultures.
This change has only recently just happened in the last few years from a small percentage of remote part-time contractors to a full-out remote online professional lifestyle.
Greg Caplin Co-founder and Ceo of the Remote year says…….
“51% of the professionals in the US are working at least part-time remotely.”
So understanding this new megatrend why not leverage it and learn……..
How To Work For Yourself
The lifeblood of any economy has always been the person’s that are courageous enough to step out and plant a flag so to say “this is mine and I want to”and create a valued service for people that walk through the front door of their brick and mortar business or in the new world of cyberspace and the internet, a web-based business.
For as long as there has been a corporate machine working within it, companies have provided stability in…
- Work
- Benefits
- Culture
- Resources
But this also means that you need to fit into a system” for that to happen.
Disruption means thinking as though you are the potential boss or owner.
Law professor Joan Williams in her book ‘White Working Class overcoming Class Cluelessness in America writes”…
“Disruption in working-class jobs just gets you fired.”
Being an entrepreneur for 25 years and a professional for the last 10, have been on both sides of the fence and what has become apparent to me is that despite the pros and cons of your work life, there is a lot to be said about being the driver and voice of your own ship.
What am I saying here is taking back your CONTROL.
This becomes the major difference between the two paths.
Taking the reins can be scary at first and it does take a paradigm shift to be certain, but through time and through all the experiences you encounter even though you may still not call yourself an “entrepreneur” you start to talk and even feel like one.
So just to be clear disruption is GOOD!
Old Story
“Try Not To Become A Man Of Success, But Rather Try To Become A Man Of Value.”
Albert Einstein
While this principle holds true when the economies are humming along and everybody is doing well (big business and small) this is not the case when the economy tanks out.
Big business is struggling to survive and having to restructure otherwise they will die.
This means that during that restructure wherever you are in that food chain despite the value you bring if the system can no longer justify your position you get to cut loose.
That value you once brought that was appreciated by your big business no longer applies so “thanks for the memories” here is your reward for dedicating your time and energies to our culture “good luck in the future.“
But what about if you add this value to your own landscape, it will always return yields and never be undervalued and it will benefit only where it should …yourself!
The New World And Your Mindset
Traditional Approach
Not as far as 10 years ago traditional entrepreneurs would not talk about their stories as much as they do now. There is a saying that is meant as a testament to the passion of the man or woman who embarks on this path.
“If We Could Do Anything Else We Would.”
The “Necessity Entrepreneur”
The economists are calling people who are struggling to find employment and starting their own business “Necessity Entrepreneurs.“
But whatever the reason you are involved or want to be involved in your “new hustle” whether it be through passion, the economics, just breath in look around step forward, and embrace the journey.
Be sure to follow every route and path context the fears breath deep and TAKE IT BACK!
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How To Get More Done In Your Day
Rules For Working At Home…
- Start the week with your weekly goals and what is it that needs to happen for that week.
- Get into your daily action lists look at what are the most important task to the least important task and do the most important task FIRST.
- Stay in tune with the BIG picture and that is to create a thriving online business that you can be proud of and give you the opportunities to make the life you are dreaming of having.
- Put your phone in another room look at it when you take a break from your online work. This being very important because these distractions all day long will eat up the mental RAM you need to be engaged and creative.
- Always have a notebook for taking in ideas, concepts, new action lists, and just a basket to empty out off of your thoughts.
- Read and then read some more. Keep informed and keep growing your interests and education, any time you invest in your self it will pay compound in returns
Treat your online work as a business and work on it as such, if you stay focused on the goal of working online, it can and will happen.
The Topic Of Happiness
Earning money and enjoying what you are doing the flexibility of being able to work when you what where you want and all you are needing is a laptop, phone, WIFI connection, and off you go.
Think about what a day working for yourself would entail,
- Getting up with NO alarm clock
- Not having to fight rush hour traffic
- Flexibility
- Control over your day
- Pajamas on or pants optional
What about taking a break and heading on over to the nearest coffee shop so to find some new and creative ways to finish the project your working on if you are experiencing some Writers Block.
Enjoy The Process And Then Crush It!
The ability to build an online business has become an efficient process, not only with the tools but with the cost.
What am I talking about is having EVERYTHING you need to
- Create
- Run and…
- Maintain an online business for less than $2 a day. (Depending on your Platform)
Take your passions, hobbies and create a business around it, compare that to a brick and mortar offline business that is a lot riskier to start along with a lot more capital upfront.
Anyone can do this of all ages as long as you are willing to work for its success, online can be had.

Power At Your Fingertips
Hiya folks, I challenge you to find a better opportunity to move forward than the internet. If you are not building your future by design you will work for the dogma of someone who has. Investing your time leaning to build out an online business properly, is an investment well spent. Join us over a MILLION Members Strong, it will not be wasted.
TAKE YOUR SKILLS TO THE NEXT LEVEL HERE AT WEALTHY AFFILIATEAs always if you have any questions thoughts or feedback, please do not hesitate to leave it in the comments section of the post and I can get back to you in a timely fashion.
Thanks for the moment.
This post was proofread by Grammarly
Wow Dino, What a breath of fresh air it is to read this inspiration. I feel as if you hit the nail on the head and popped a door open on the other side! I have been looking for a new opportunity and the infinite potential of this which you have spoken just sent shivers up my spine and a lightness in my shoulders. Thank you for such clarity into the opportunity of these times. Please keep posting more, I am very excited to see where this all could lead!
Hellos Jonny
Am absolutely delighted that you found Value in the Post and that it inspired something inside you.
Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your thoughts, also for giving me the inspiration to keep writing content in this space.
I enjoyed looking at your site! It’s always worthwhile to read some encouraging and thoughtful material!
Hello Fran
Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment
I appreciate your insight and that you received some value from the blog.
Thanks so much