Why It Is Good To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

What Is A Comfort Zone
Based on the Wikipedia definition a comfort zone… “Is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and (perceive they are) in control of their environment.”
Is The Comfort Zone An Illusion
Just ask anyone who has lost their lively hoods that only a short time early would have never seen it coming.
I.e. the Canadian energy sector 2015-2020.
Life comes with no safety nets; there are no certainties.
The term “comfort zone” truly is no real comfort at all, and to the person striving for growth this “comfort zone” can be the worst place.
The fight against your comfort zone is constant; the more you push, the more it pushes back.
Is there anything that you are not doing because it is not in your comfort zone?
Where are your dreams and goals?
Are they in a notebook somewhere and because of your comfort zone just get reviewed once a year?
Or are you living your dreams and goals?
Illusion or reality read on and see why it is good to step out of your comfort zone.
What Is Order
Order in this context is knowing your environment, which leads to a predictable outcome.
In that predictability you find comfort.
Do you plan everything in your life?
I think it is natural at some level to strive for comfort in the world in which we live.
We work hard to make things easier and more efficient, we take our routines and make them so to function on autopilot.
We are existing but not really…present.
This “order” forces us not to engage and “go for it.”
What makes this order so dangerous is that it will stop your growth, and prevent you from being the best version of yourself.
Does the status quo work for you?
If you are not sure just answer this question…
Do you feel separated from who you are every time you leave home and head to work?
What if we decided to step outside the comfort zones so as to reinvent ourselves?
What Is Change Order
Cruising along with your life…
- Great job
- Good pay
- Loving your life
And all of sudden something happens, something gets FORCED upon you. i.e. losing something in your life that you did not expect.
- You get laid off-your pay is gone-and you’re left starting over again.
- Worse off this is now happening later in life and you are not ready for retirement.
What does this do to your life?
- Finances
- Self-esteem
- Or life as a whole
Changed order is when outcomes are no longer predictable and unpredictability will make you uncomfortable.
This “change order” is where you will make those “critical decisions.”
The good news is this is not always done by default this can also be done by design.
This is a powerful process if you harness it intentionally.
You will need to deal with some factors along the way.
- The Internal Critic.
- Fear.
- Belief.
- Resilience.
Once you get a handle on those factors, change in your life will be a lot more enjoyable and well…predictable!
The Internal Critic
People generally have a voice in their heads that seems rational but never does serve us.
The internal critic is that voice inside of your head that is saying…
- If I leave this work, how hard will it be to find another one?
- This relationship is good now, but what about a year from now?
- Am I starting again with a new venture, is it the right time to put my effort here?
- Do not rock the boat for you might just tip it, and things are not that bad.
Do you rationalize with this voice when it rears its face so as to paralyze your growth?
That loud voice of criticism ringing in your ear trying to stop you from doing something you would be able to do but go back to what you know is “comfortable.”
Or do you push forward in spite of the voice inside your head?
The internal critic sits right alongside…
Fear has a very concrete power of keeping us from doing and saying the things that are our purpose.
Does fear rule and or dictate your life? Is the fear of failure preventing you from…
- Finding a new job
- Building out a new company
- Venturing into the unknown
What fear is holding you back?
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Living Out Of Your Comfort Zone
When you are moving outside of your comfort zone and create change, it can be more uncertain but it not as scary as it looks.
The way the comfort zone works is that if you step out and keep pushing forward despite the unknowns, you can start to re-establish new comfort zones.
Just remember that discomfort is a good thing. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will cause you to grow and can be a gift that you may not believe until it happens, and you are forced out or decide to create that change.
6 Tips To Help Create Change And Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
1) Embrace Your Fear
However, this looks for you, pushing through that voice in your head and the perceived FEAR, getting to the other side you will find fear can serve you as long as it is a -“coach and not a jailer…” Tony Robbins
Do not ignore the fear, embrace it and pull out the critical information so as to answer the questions that need asking, at the same time shutting down the internal critic based on real facts and research.
2)Always Look To Ask Questions
No question should be left out on the table.
Because this is your fear telling you where you should be starting your journey.
As you ask questions and engage your fear, the signs will present themselves, and the internal critic will have less hold on your growth and movement and ultimate new realities.
3) Settle The Internal Critic With Real Research And Facts
The volume of the internal critic will always lessen when you draw out real concrete results.
So, for example, you want to start your own business,
- Do your market research.
- Immerse yourself, know your market, backward and forwards.
- Be thorough, and this means you have to do your homework.
- There is no substitute for hard work.
Fear will always be the constant when you do this, but embrace it and draw out the “critical information” and act on it regardless.
Do not let the internal critic rule or dictate your life’s decisions.
The critic and the perceived fear of failure is no reason to give up on your dreams or doing something that may change your life for the better.
Here is a secret… FEAR is an acronym for “False Evidence Appearing Real.“
You will find that once you accept this new reality…
- It is never as scary as it looked on the outside looking in.
- And you are a lot more capable and stronger than you thought.
- Also, can lead to more possibilities and happiness in your life.
4) Love Purpose And Passion
Find something you love so as not to have to build and or live out someone else dreams vision.
If you find what you love, you will naturally get great at it.
This love purpose and passion will bring out some beautiful attributes and qualities you never knew you had.
The stronger your purpose and love for something, the stronger the passion.
5) Belief In Yourself 
DO something/do anything.
Creating action brings about belief, and this comes from committing and starting to walk your journey.
It is making the decisions that are not easy, or not popular, or even just scary, but making these decisions based on the right thing for you to create a strong belief in yourself.
6) Having Resilience Even After …
- Getting told NO repeatedly.
- Making mistakes consistently.
- Experiencing failures and hardships.
Did you know…
- Howard Schultz of Starbucks received 275 “No’s” before startup.
- JK Rowling of Harry Potter received 12 comments that mentioned her manuscript was rubbish.
You will have critics along the way, and it will be difficult but if you stick to it, I promise you will find things about yourself you never knew you had, and when you get up in the morning…
The process of separating yourself from work will no longer be there it will be only ONE entity.
“Anybody can lead an extraordinary life as long as you dare to try, and do not let anyone stop you.”
Pallas Hupe Cotter
When was the last time you did something unplanned that scared you but also excited you?
Can this be a change for the better?
Being uncomfortable can make you grow, and being comfortable can ruin your life.
So Take Order And Create Change… By Design!
The 6 Tips…
- Embrace the FEAR and treat it as a consular and coach it is.
- Ask questions.
- Settle the internal critic with real research and facts.
- Find your purpose, love, and passion.
- Nurture the belief in you-Do something.
- And the next time life pushes you, PUSH back and have the resilience to get right back at it all over again day in and day out.
Leap with your eyes wide open and getting outside your comfort zone will be a whole less scary and good thing.
Learning and growth will contribute to happiness and you will find that life’s challenges now become your greatest blessings and moments.
Your newfound path is not an overnight success process but ultimately if you love what you do… YOU WIN!

There Has Never Been A Better Time Than Now To Try Something New.
When I started this journey, it was completely out of my Comfort Zone. I was over 50 years of age and did not understand Content or Affiliate Marketing. With the help of over 1 MILLION members on a platform that has been online for over 12 years, my ability to learn, grow and build a successful new set of skills happened. They will for you also…promise.
Check Out My Wealthy Affiliate Review Here And Leave Your Comfort Zone BehindWhen was the last time you experienced this change order and stepped outside your comfort zone either by design or default?
What did you learn from this experience?
Would like to hear your thoughts and comments.
As always thanks for the moment.

Feature Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
This post was proofread by Grammarly
Great insight and advice Dino! We all feel threatened on some level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which shackles us to our unwillingness to step out of our comfort zones. Interestingly though, life’s pressures can sometimes subjugate one to do great things – an experience that many successful people can attest to.
Hello Manoj
Yes, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs…seems like the lower you sit on that scale the less you settle in a comfort zone, purely out of necessity.
Never thought to correlate that concept of the (MHON) into the research and blog, hummmmm
Thanks for the added value and stopping on by… appreciated.
There certainly is a lot to consider and depending where one us at in their life, it should be taken seriously. No matter, it would be better to proceed with your eyes wide open and important to learn how to research your future goals and actions. The prospect of creating a more fulfilling life and perhaps even making yourself a better person and a better world around you would be exciting. It’s always good to keep challenging yourself and your article definitely creates inspiration! All the best,
Hellos Fran
AGREED, Eyes Wide Open…..
And appreciate that you found it inspirational.
Thanks for dropping on by.
Super good read. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a freeing feeling
Thanks V for the visit and am happy you received some value from it.
Yes, stepping out of ones comfort zone is pretty hard at times. I find alarms going off and gut feelings screaming. It is true, to succeed you may have to step out, mentally prepare and take a chance. Either way we have to deal with results outside our zone or inside. In both zones we can succeed or fail. But we get up, learn and continue on. Enjoyed the read Dino
Hello Rob
Thanks for dropping by
I appreciate your comments and am glad you found some value in the article.
Be well