Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

10 thoughts on “What Is A Niche Blog

  1. Great blog with many ideas to inspire those who are interested in pursuing creating their own platforms! I found the information very helpful and easy to read, providing practical ideas so people can build a successful niche!

    1. Hello Fran
      Great to see you again
      Thanks for the comments and am glad you enjoyed and received some value from the article.
      Let me know if you would like to see anything more relevant to you.
      Enjoy having you visit.

  2. Great piece. Dino. Finding your niche is a great way to grow and help others like you are with your website.
    Once we find our niche and can share with others how we discovered ours, we can help with sharing the framework for success. Afterall, success leads clues/
    I like that you have given so many examples that one can consider/

    1. Hellos Nicholas
      Thanks so much for the visit and for leaving your thoughts on the article.
      I appreciate that you found this blog informative.
      I love to provide as much value in the words as possible
      Keep the faith and thanks again.

  3. Another great read Dino. I must complement you on your writing. How is a good way to focus on a niche when one has no clue what they could write about?;

    1. Hello Rob
      Thank your for the visit and complements on the post.
      Well first off exaclty right you need to FIND a niche so to focus on it.
      Second when it comes to writing about your nice, start off with some of the most obvious topics.
      ie Working dogs (is your niche)
      Topics could include (types of dogs in that category/ behaviours of those type of dogs/ training for those type of dogs/equipment used/reviews on equipment and training techniques etc)
      You could even zero in on ONE breed and work on areas of that breed.
      Once you get rolling reserach can come in all types of avenues.
      Personal experience
      Serach engines
      Online forums
      Product guides and Articles.
      I hope this helps to get your creative flow going.
      Biggest thing is to just jump in the water of this type of work and do it.

    1. Hello Dawid
      Thank you for the visit and the comments left.
      Am pleased that you managed to find value in the post as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

    1. Hello and thank you for dropping by
      Appreciate you leaving your feedback and that you have found value in the content
      It was fun to write.

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